The garlic: machinery and cultivation techniques from the farmer point of view
Authors: Helio Catalán, Herminio Tribaldos y Joaquín Tribaldos

Identification number (I.S.B.N.):978-84-92928-26-2
Publication date: 2013
Language: Spanish
Price: €15 (more shipping cost). To buy it, send us an email.
The book purposes to be, mainly, a book about specific machinery of garlic, but it is structured around three blocks:
1st Block: The plant (Spring garlic, white garlic and purple garlic), their needs, their diseases.
2nd Block: The machinery what has converted this crop from social cultivation to machining cultivation.
3rt Block: Profitability analysis of garlic (production costs and profits), marketing, merchandising and an introduction for innovative products as dehydrated garlic, black garlic,...
But, in our opinion, the most attractive point of this book is that it has been written by garlic farmers and it will be able to read by farmers and technical people.
El Ajo: maquinaria y técnicas de cultivo desde el punto de vista del agricultor
Autores: Helio Catalán, Herminio Tribaldos y Joaquín Tribaldos
Número de páginas: 96
I.S.B.N.: 978-84-92928-26-2
Año publicación: 2013
Lenguaje: español
Precio: 15€ (más gastos de envío). Para comprarlo, envíanos un email.
El libro pretende ser, ante todo, un libro sobre la mecanización específica del ajo, aunque se ha estructurado en torno a 3 bloques:
Bloque 1º: La planta (ajo de primavera, ajo blanco y ajo morado), sus necesidades, sus enfermedades.
Bloque 2º: La mecanización del cultivo que ha hecho que el ajo pase de ser un cultivo social a un cultivo totalmente mecanizado.
Bloque 3º: Análisis de la rentabilidad del cultivo, así como sus formas de comercialización haciendo una presentación en productos tan novedosos como el ajo deshidratado, el ajo negro…
Pero sin lugar a dudas lo que hace atractivo a este libro, es que se trata de un manual realizado por agricultores "ajeros" pero capaz de ser leído tanto por técnicos como agricultores.
ReplyDeleteand what about the english edition??
Hi Joseph.
DeleteSorry, but we don't have any news about English edition, unfortunately.
If we have any news, we are going to publish it in this page.
Best regards.
Hi, how are you in this time?
ReplyDeleteI would like to ask you about the shipping cost of the book to Czech Republic?
Or do you have this book in pdf version to send by email or any web link?
Best regards
Hi Joseph.
DeleteWe are fine... and you?
We don't know shipping cost but we think it can be about 15€.
We don't have any pdf version.
Best regards.
Hello. I want to buy this book (English version). You can send it in Romania?
ps,can you tell me what use foliar fertilizer?
Hi Gabi.
DeleteThanks for your interest!!
There isn't English version. It is edited in Spanish only.
Best regards.
DeleteWe only use solid fertilizer for garlic.
Best regards.