27 February 2025

Rainfall in 2024

As we do every year, we have analysed the annual rainfall data for our area and prepare this report to share the results with you. The data are highly localized(La Alberca de Záncara - Cuenca) but we believe the precipitation pattern could be representative to the central area of Spain, where rainfall is generally lower than in the northern and southern regions. 

The best word to describe 2024 might be "extraordinary". It was extraordinary because we had record harvests thanks to the 521 litres of rain . While this amount is close to the 24-year average, what truly stood out was the excellent distribution of rainfall throughout the year. Unlike in previous years, when we noted that it rained the same amount but at the wrong times. In 2024, the rain was well-timed and beneficial.

The first quarter was particularly rainy, ensuring a very good nascence. April and May were less rainy but the soil had reserves and the rains in June made for a record harvest. Our barley yield averaged 6,500 kg/ha, nearly double the usual 3,500 kg/ha.

Looking at the daily rainfall graph, we can see that it rained almost every 15 days, resembling an irrigated area. This pattern is also evident in the seasonal rainfall graph, where all seasons, including summer, were quite rainy.

In summary, 2024 will be remembered as a fantastic year for field crops (cereals, pulse vegetables, sunflowers, etc.), a stark contrast to previous years. However, it's worth noting that the year ended with very little rainfall, as November and December were particularly dry. Fortunately, January and February 2025 have been rainy so far, allowing crops to hold up well. We’ll see if this translates into another good harvest... stay tuned for next year’s report! 

Versión en español.

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