
27 February 2023

Hexagon. GPS technology solutions

One of the tools that are practically indispensable nowadays, I can confirm that is almost compulsory, is an autosteer on the tractor if you want to carry out efficient work at the same time as a comfortable routing in your day-to-day working. In addition, the entire Agriculture 4.0 package offered by the different manufacturers is also a set of useful tools today, but it is true that autoguidance is already a basic piece of equipment for any farmer... it is a widely used technology.

This time we are going to introduce you to the Swedish manufacturer called Hexagon, which is the autoguidance system we have currently installed on our tractor. As we will discuss below, Hexagon offers a wide variety of solutions depending on the needs of the farmer for all different crops. Therefore, if we focus on precision, we can do the following categorisation:

  • Option 1: 15 cm accuracy. EGNOS satellite signal (free signal).  
  • Option 2: 8 cm accuracy. TerraStar L satellite signal.      
  • Option 3: 4 cm accuracy. TerraStar C-Pro satellite signal.      
  • Option 4: 2 cm accuracy. RTK signal (free signal but requires 3G coverage and active GNSS base station).

On the other hand, if we focus on the different screens available to us, these would be the options offered:

  • Option 1: Ti5 display of 5-inch. ISOBUS compatible but no SIM card slot (not compatible with RTK equipment).
  • Option 2: Ti7 display of 7-inch. ISOBUS compatible and with SIM card slot for RTK equipment.
  • Option 3: Ti10 display of 10-inch. Same functionality as the Ti7 display, with the only difference being the screen size.

As mentioned above, the displays are ISOBUS, so you can connect the implement directly (sprayers, seed drills, fertiliser spreaders, planters, etc.) and control the implement from the Hexagon display. This allows us to make automatic section cuts and variable doses depending on the GPS information we have in our Hexagon equipment. In addition, if we work with an ISOBUS implement and we need to have the information of the implement and the autoguidance information displayed at all times, two screens can be mounted, one dedicated to the implement and the other to the autoguidance. For non-ISOBUS implements, an intermediate device (called “section cutter”) is available to make the connection between the implement and the Hexagon screen. t should also be taken into account that all work can be exported for registration in the different field notebook tools that the farmer can use on a daily basis.

Finally, the steering is done by means of the Hexdrive electric steering wheel, although there is also the option of installing the steering directly to the tractor's hydraulics, taking a further step forward in the performance of the equipment.

As you can see, the manufacturer Hexagon offers solutions for all jobs, starting with the preparation of the soil and ending with the harvesting of all the crops we have on our farm.

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