
31 October 2022

Kubota air blast. Optimum treatments

A few weeks ago, we asked the staff of Kubota Spain (Pablo and Diego) if there would be possible to see one of the new Kubota air blast in operation in order to discover all the technology that is hidden inside. Immediately, Pablo and Diego invited us to visit the Grupo Avilés dealer (Villafranca de los Caballeros - Toledo) where we could find out, test and enjoy several of the Kubota mistblowers. The day was very fruitful and we saw a great machine at work, not only for its construction that maybe could be compared with our Hardi atomizer or to those manufactured by our friends from General, but it stands out above all for the H3O technology that it incorporates and that we will talk about that in the following paragraphs as well as seeing it in our videos. 

At the machine manufacturing level (manufactured by prestigious Spanish manufacturer Pulverizadores Fede) it stands out for many things such as the thickness of the tank walls, chassis structure and robustness, pump running at 480 r.p.m. with a consequent reduction in diesel consumption, air outlet regulation, etc. etc... But what we really wanted to see was how the H3O technology and the Kubota platform is configured and how it works in the field. 

Diego explained how to set up the air blast to make a perfect treatment. This configuration is based on following some (quite basic) steps that the tablet will guide us. The information requested includes, inter alia, the size of the trees to be treated, the type of treatment, the working speed, the colour of the nozzles… then the H3O technology is able to configure the machine so that the treatment is optimal in terms of product use and application on the leaves of the trees. In our case, we worked in a super-intensive olive grove of a local farmer, who turned out to be a fairly exemplary farmer because while we talked to him we discovered that everything he told us was very successful. 

Finally, all the information generated during the treatment process is transferred by the Kubota air blast to the Kubota platform so that the farmer can have it on his mobile phone or home computer. In this way we can evaluate this information for future treatments or even share it with technicians who can advise us. 

Undoubtedly, this is a top quality product focused on farmers who are looking for a premium product and optimum work. We invite you to watch our videos that are really illustrative of this process of configuration and use of the Kubota  air blast and more especially of its H3O technology. 

Versión en español.

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