
30 September 2021

Harvesting days (V). Almonds

In August, we had the opportunity to visit some fields where almond trees were being harvested, so we have written one more post in our series of articles dedicated to the harvesting days.

We shared a visit to Daimiel with our friends from Talleres MarSeMar (official Gregoire dealer in Villarrobledo - Albacete) to examine the new Gregoire GX9.6 self-propelled harvester of the company Servicios Agrícolas Visita (Malagón - Ciudad Real). It was a very interesting day!!  

There we could see a field of super-intensive almond trees... it was really fine. In addition, there was another field of super-intensive olive grove which was even better. They were not the only ones, as we saw many similar fields on our trip. They were beautiful and the feeling we had when we were there was one of healthy envy to see such well cared for and productive crops.

About the Gregorie GX 9.6 self-propelled harvester, it is a remodelled machine with many new features to highlight, focused on crops such as olive and almond trees in super-intensive plantations, of which we can highlight among many other things:

  • A new harvesting head that is much more efficient for super-intensive fields and at the same time treats the vegetation of the trees very gently and thus minimises damage to the branches.
  • The hoppers have a capacity of 5,000 litres. This large capacity helps to reach the end of the harrow in super-intensive crops and therefore much less time spent on unloading works.

In conclusion, a machine that will give a lot to talk about due to its great performance in high-yield crops and we will follow its work in future posts. 

Versión en español.