
12 November 2020

Seed selection

Successful seed selection consists of different steps to ensure the best harvest. On the one hand there is the choice of a good seed, which will undoubtedly be the first step towards a good harvest next year. In our case, and in our opinion, we believe that for many farmers, the use of grain from the previous harvest as seed for the next sowing is common. On the other hand, the remaining seed is bought and in this way we are capable to renew the seed, especially in cereals and pulse vegetables.

The grain used from the previous harvest must be selected in order to have a seed free of impurities to make a reliable sowing. The normal way is to perform this selection in an agricultural cooperative or company dedicated to clean and select grain where they have specialized machines for this work.... the cost is usually around 0.03 €/kg. In other cases, farmers love to invent tools with machines already present in their houses and therefore can save money, reuse their tools and even show their inventions to their neighbours.

On this occasion, our friend Fernando sent us the method he uses to select alfalfa grain with his Deutz-Fahr 7206 combine harvester (there is no any specialized company in his area where that grain is selected). As you can see in the pictures and the video, he has equipped the machine with a hopper for the grain. The combine harvester swallows the grain and selects it. The fan has to be adjusted very well (give many revolutions) and the sieves have to be closed a lot... it seems that this device works very fine, it even fills the big bags directly. It is especially useful for times when farmers are in a hurry to prepare the seed and the combine harvester is stopped. On the other hand, we think that it is not very profitable since the combine harvester has high diesel consumption because it is a machine with powerful engines. 

Versión en español.

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