
29 July 2020

Lexion power

We continue with winter cereals and pulse vegetables harvesting tasks in this month of July which has not been as hot as usual, apart from the last few days. This time, although it seems that we have travelled to Germany or France, we have not moved from our village (La Alberca de Záncara - Cuenca)... And I don't say this because of the three combine harvesters working together in the same field, as you can see in our video and pictures and besides this it is not common in our area or even in any area of Spain. We compared this field with Germany or France because the harvested yields of the Planet barley were around 7,500kg in fields without irrigation system. It is true that these are very good fields in the meadow of the Záncara River, but even so the productions and the quality of the grain was almost unbelievable (we have already spoke in the previous post about this year has been rainy and the harvest is being very profitable). 

This task took place one afternoon when we visited our friends at "Rosado Bros." and Francis suggested we do a report on "Carrasco Combine Harvesters". The "Rosado Bros." were baling (we will talk about it in the next post) the remains of the harvest that the company "Carrasco Combine Harvesters" was carrying out. So without wasting a minute, we set up all the equipment and got to work. You can actually see the big baler working right behind the combine harvesters. 

It's really impressive to see the three Claas combines (Lexion 770, Lexion 670 and Lexion 560) working together on the same field. The combine harvesters, very new models, are very well cared for as well as the cultivation (Javier Carrasco and his wife Julia are very meticulous with the adjustment of the harvesters as well as with the agricultural tasks during the year), so the raw material to make the report was of supreme quality. It was a spectacle that for the lovers of the agricultural machinery and especially of harvesting we recommend you to see if you will have opportunity on some occasion. We show you the video and pictures ... we hope you enjoy it. 

Versión en español.