
29 April 2020

Rainy spring... beautiful crops

If we could go out in the field today we'd see some beautiful crops. The crops are in full growth thanks to the abundant rains of the past winter and current spring (it has rained about 200mm since the beginning of the year), so the prospects are that we will have a good harvest. Anyway, we still cannot ensure anything because there are still many nights left a hailstorm or a night frost... we'll have to contract a good insurance policy if we want to sleep peacefully. As you can see in our pictures, barley, wheat, peas, vetches, lentils, etc. everything is fantastic and even the garlic has needed practically no irrigation.

During this month we've been rolling in our Eston lentils. The aim is for the soil to be compacted so that the root can perform its function without any problems and also so that the fields where there are stones can be hidden a little so that the harvester combines can work properly. The pulse vegetables are plants that don't have much height, so the harvester combine needs to work a few centimetres from the ground and that is very complicated if there are stones.

We've also been working with the olive grove. Since we finished the last irrigations and treatments in October, we have done practically nothing, so we already had work to do. Five are the tasks that we have done during these last days: pruning, crush pruning waste, tying young olives to the canes, sprouting treatment to all the olive trees and harrowing to kill the weeds.

Versión en español.

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