
08 February 2017

Field Notebook: a powerful tool to manage the traceability of your crops

A few weeks ago, we spoke about basic items farmers have to know if they want to avoid having problems with the CAP. On his ocassion, we are going to comment another important concept which is mandatory since 2013 for all farmers: “Field Notebook”. Farmers have to use a tool to manage the traceability of their crops.

Until some years ago, we used a simple excel file or word document to manage our farm where we registered some activities done (we wouldn't like to remember how our father or his generation registered the traceability of their works: costs, profits,... maybe, they didn't do it). The time has changed and farmers have to manage a real business so they need tools that allow them to do it easily (make decisions based on your crops information, view your parcels displayed on the map, register your actions in a few minutes, manage your farms and field notebooks in one place,...).

We know several tools for that. We have used Cropti tool... we think it is really good. We have met with Eugenio (he is the manager and founder of Cropti) in farm fairs,talking shows about agriculture,... and he encouraged us to use it (we have a trial version). It is really easy and very intuitive tool (besides, it has an assistance centre to answer any questions). We had to present our field notebook in local agriculture office and Cropti tool was really useful for us.

Regarding  the tool, you have to create your fields and registre your machinery. After that, you can make a registre about your activity performed in your farm (tillage, fertilizer, irrigation, phytosanitary treatments,...). You can manage your harvesting so you can know your profits easily and you can identify what fields are more productive and what crops are the best for your farm. You can see a complete features list from here. Without a doubt, this is a tool that helps you in your day to day.

You can know the prices from here. Choose the license that best fits your agrobusinesses conditions.

Versión en español.

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