28 September 2016

Duran Days. New Pöttinger Series Round Balers and McHale Series Mowers

About 3,000 people attended the event organized by Durán Maquinaria Agrícola Company in Santervás de Campos (Valladolid) where they could see almost all farming machinery this company import for Spanish farmers (Pöttinger, McHale, Pichón and Caruelle).

The demostration began with Pöttinger machinery of tillage and seed drills. Attendees saw different TERRADISC disc harrows working, SYNKRO stubble cultivator, SERVO plough together with AEROSEM and TERRASEM seed drills... the main disc was the new Pöttinger IMPRESS Series round balers. There are two models: MASTER and PRO. The Master model is designed for farmers and small outsourcing companies. On the other hand, the PRO model is ideal for big outsourcing companies. Finally, farmers could see the Pöttinger NOVACAT mower.

The workday continued with another important brand called McHale. The Fusion 3Plus and V640 round baler were working. Obviously, the main novelty showed by McHale was the new front and rear mowers PRO GLIDE (they have just begun to sell in Spain).

Versión en español.

22 September 2016

The winner is... the most straight row

The most important farm festival in our village "La Alberca de Záncara" was hold last week. A lot of playful activities were carried out during those days and one of these activities is a plough contest. A few years ago, we remember that another competition was performed... it was the maneuver trailer tournament. Some farmers think that this tournament is not carried out currently because the winners were always the same people and it was not exciting. Maybe, we think new generation of farmers are not prepared to compete in this modality.

In other areas of Spain the most popular contest consist of using a plogh. In our area, the plough is not used (summer are very dry and soil is really sticky in autumn and winter) so farmers have always competed to do the most straight row.

As you can see in our pictures, the competition is "easy". You only have to do the most straight row from your position (it isassigned by raffle) to the hillock (it is a white mark that can be seen in the horizon). The distance is of 1.5km... difficulties are coming up!! Another problem is that tractors have to go across different fields and drivers can have strange lateral movements. We have never taken part... our row would be one of the worst. We are absolutely convinced of that because nowadays we are working using an autosteere system by GPS. We hope the new generations of farmers can be able to continue to held this nice competition... unfortunately, it will be complicated. 

Versión en español.