
22 July 2016

The first fertilizer task for a new vineyard

A few weeks ago, we showed you how a new vineyard is planted. As we commented, vineyard is a crop that needs a lot of works so many tasks are carried out during a year. This time, we continue to work with new vineyard to do the first fertilizer task after planting.

One of these new vineyards is near our cereal field and we could see as Florencio and his father were working. They were fertilizing with an orgnanic fertilizer (80% organic and a small part of mineral fertilizer 5-4-5). This type of fertilizer has advantages for new vineyards because plants can get it very slowly. They require a special machinery to spread it, which needs to have some pipes of large diameter to avoid obstructions (the dose used is about 2,000kg/ha). We used this type of fertilizer, e. g., for garlic before planting them.

On the other hand, if you use this dose, you will have a lot of big bags so transporting tasks will be complex. In the end, almost all farmers choose manure because spreading work is easier. If it doesn't rain, they will have to irrigate after spreading this organic fertilizer (it is pellet format) to begin its dissolving under ground.

Finally, farmers have to be careful with its storage because it has an intense smell and if it is wet it will begin to be compacted and farmers would have an important problem to spread it.

Versión en Español.

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