
25 March 2016

​​Autorotation... saving time and earning accuracy

Spring is coming up and spraying tasks are remates to it.  Cereals and pulse vegatables need some phytosanitary treatments in order to kill weeds. So far, everything is like the rest of years. On this occasion, the most distinguish feature in our spraying works has been the new characteristic of Cerea autosteering system called Autorotation.

The autorotation allows us to turn on headlands automatically so this manoeuvre is simpler and faster than it was before. The autosteering system drives the tractor to put it on the next row with amazing accuracy... you can see it in our video.

We are using a Cerea version that needs to be indicated when Cerea has to begin the turning manouevre. With the following version (it will be delivered on the next days), it will be absolutely automatic and we only will need to fix the contour of the field where we would like to work. Cerea can work a whole field in automatic mode without driver has to touch tablet screen on headlands​.

​We show you some pictures our friend Alberto sent us about his new Amazone UF sprayer.

Versión en español.


Cerea Autorotación
Cerea Autorotación
Cerea Autorotación
Cerea Autorotación
Cerea Autorotación
Cerea Autorotación
Cerea Autorotación
Cerea Autorotación
Cerea Autorotación
Cerea Autorotación
Cerea Autorotación
Cerea Autorotación

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