
08 October 2015

​The biggest pneumatic​s​ planter!!

We have spoken about garlic sowing jobs and even we have spoken about machinery used but this ocassion is special because they are working with a ​pneumatics​ ​planter of French brand called Erme.​ This company is  innovating in the garlic machinery sector ​

Pictures are sent by our follower Patricia ​​who ​​visited a garlic farm in Albacete in the last September... it is the age of spring garlic sowing

The ​pneumatics​ ​planter you can see in our pictures is a planter of 8 rows... we have never seen any bigger planter working. The most planter used are of 4 rows and lately farmers are using planter of 6 rows... they are fashion in our area. This planter needs a tractor of 120HP... we think it is a importan limitation for farmers because tractor used traditionally are about 100HP. The optimum working speed is at 2.5 km/h but it depends on the plant density. We plant 12 garlic per meter normally. The distant between row is at 45cm but it can change and even it can be smaller.

This Erme planter (PLPD) is a planter of double row and it has a hopper of 1,200 liters... it allows them to sow about 6ha/day. Erme can manufacture these planters with bigger hopper but you need powerful tractor.​ This machine has a computer what controls all ​its ​parameters​.

Seeing other garlic pneumatic planters (of other brands) their most important problem is the high level noise. In this case, Erme has achieved to reduce its level noise to 98dB, thanks to really hard job… Pretty great work!!

Versión en español.

ERME pneumatic garlic planter
ERME pneumatic garlic planter
ERME pneumatic garlic planter
ERME pneumatic garlic planter
ERME pneumatic garlic planter
ERME pneumatic garlic planter
ERME pneumatic garlic planter
ERME pneumatic garlic planter
ERME pneumatic garlic planter
ERME pneumatic garlic planter
ERME pneumatic garlic planter
ERME pneumatic garlic planter
ERME pneumatic garlic planter
ERME pneumatic garlic planter
ERME pneumatic garlic planter
ERME pneumatic garlic planter


  1. Anonymous8/10/15 18:09

    que buena pinta tiene esa maquina, se le ve esplendida.
    Una pregunta, que tal va esa maquina en cuanto al ruido? porque recuerdo el reportaje de La Preferida y eso parecia un avión en plena maniobra de despegue

    1. Gracias por preguntar por el nivel de ruido... se nos ha olvidado indicarlo en el texto. Ya está modificado.

      Erme ha conseguido reducir a la mitad el nivel de ruido de sus competidores... genera 98dB.

      Nosotros no hemos visto esta máquina trabajar, solo en ferias y la verdad es que tiene una pinta esplendida.

      Gracias por tu comentario.

      Twins' Farm

  2. Anonymous9/10/15 18:10

    para qué llevan las tapas de la tolva abiertas??

    1. Pues viendo las fotos pensamos que es porque llevan unas cajas que no les dejan cerrar las tapas. Llevan la tolva demasiado llena.

      Twins' Farm
