
13 January 2015

​Sowing purple garlic with the new Zocapi planter

We can’t forget the most important crop in our area and our favourite crop: the "Las Pedroñeras" purple garlic... it is the best in the world :). Despite not having planted garlic this year, we would like to speak about planting tasks and it is a good occasion to do it and to talk about the new Zocapi planter.

We visited Eusebio and Ángel bros in the first days of December to know how the new Zocapi planter worked because we knew in the last edition of FIMA 2014 but we have never seen it working on the field... our feeling was very positive. As you can see in our pictures, the planting task was really fantastic. The planter works very fine at 2km/h working speed (we think it is little slower than our working speed).

This mechanical planter highlights from its competitors in the design of the hoppers (they are better to work on the slopes).The dishes, where the plastic teaspoons are fixed, have a larger circumference so these give fewer turns and greater accuracy is achieved​ ​in the process of putting on the clove on the soil. Another important feature is that it uses plastic teaspoons what can be changed quickly and easily as you can see in our pictures. As you know, these teaspoons have to be adapted depending on the size of the cloves used (for example, the clove of spring garlic is bigger than clove of purple garlic). The planter is configured to sow at 45cm between rows, so it allows us to plant 6 rows in the same lap. Finally, choppers are joined so they can unload a large amount of cloves garlic to avoid any problems with long rows.  

Versión en español.

New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter
New Zocapi Garlic Planter


  1. Anonymous13/1/15 11:30

    Sin GPS y derecho si señor, buena cosecha para tus amigos.

    1. Muchas gracias por tu comentario.

      La verdad es que el "tajo" iba muy bueno.


  2. Anonymous14/1/15 17:13

    Y para qué tiene que ir uno todo el día subido en la máquina mirando las cucharillas??

    Vaya sufrimiento no??

    1. Pues estamos totalmente de acuerdo contigo...creo que es un sufrimiento para el que va ahí todo el día. Incluso, el ir subido en la máquina sin ninguna medida de seguridad, puede llegar a ser peligroso. Otros agricultores incluso van andando detrás de la máquina. Las dos opciones pensamos que no son necesarias.

      Otros, los más inventores, han instalado un asiento en la máquina para que por lo menos el que va pueda estar sentado.

      Nosotros hemos sembrado muchos años sin ir nadie en la máquina y la verdad es que no ha sido necesario.

      Muchas gracias por tu comentario.

  3. Anonymous14/1/15 19:13

    Para que son esos discos o ruedas metálicas que lleva a cada lado si las ruedas motrices ya las lleva por dentro?


    1. Esas ruedas metálicas, al ir clavadas en la tierra estabilizan la máquina "pegándola al suelo", ayudando a sacar los surcos rectos. Esto viene muy bien sobre todo en laderas.

      Gracias por tu comentario.

    2. Anonymous15/1/15 16:04

      muy buena idea entonces.

      Gracias por la explicación
