
06 January 2015

Christmas jobs

For the first post of 2015, we would like to wish you a happy new year!! We would like all your wishes will come true and this year will be a bumper year for agriculture.

Then, we are going to talk about some jobs we carried out at Christmas time... since we sowed our cereal and pulse vegetables, our fallows don't need any work for the time being, we took advantage of doing other maintenance & cleaning important tasks and  harvest our olive trees... it is carried out in the last days of December. 

We went to visit our friend Vicente and our cousin Juan Ángel in the Castillo de Garcimuñoz Village. Vicente’s parents had a dairy and where you can find a small mill. In this time, we used it to make feed for our hens and chickens (we have about 50 hens who give us extraordinary eggs). As you can see in our pictures, the environment wasn't very clean and in the end we finished completely covered in flour :) We ground barley, wheat, corn, black peas and triticale.

Finally, we harvested our olive trees... we worked five days. This year, the production was small (as you can know, the olive trees in our area only have good production every two years), so this job was quickly. Fortunately, the weather was sunny, so we spent some really fun days. When we delivered our olives in the oil press in Sisante Village, we got a pleasant surprise because the yield of our crop was of 23.6%... this is the best crop for this campaign.

Versión en español.


  1. Anonymous6/1/15 19:45

    ¿Y por que no usáis un paraguas para la aceituna?

    1. Hola... y muchas gracias por seguir el blog.

      Pues por la zona no hay ningún paraguas y comprarlo no es viable para nuestra explotación (200 olivos).
      Otro problema, y el más importante, es que nuestros olivos no están preparados para utilizar el paraguas ya que tienen varios pies.


  2. Anonymous11/1/15 13:05

    Si señor, así me gusta ver a los agricultores gente trabajadora manchada por el polvo del camino en este caso del molino.

    Estoy esperando, como oro en paño las fotos de la siembra directa o mínimo laboreo de vuestro amigo de Segovia, de esa máquina inglesa. Será que los españoles no sabemos hacer máquinas.

    1. Muchas gracias por tu comentario y por seguir el blog.

      Le pediré las fotos a Diego de como está lo sembrado con la Claydon y las publicamos. Respecto a lo de los españoles, si que sabemos (como ya indicamos en este artículo: pero siempre nos gusta buscar cosas de fuera.

