
14 October 2014

​From wheat stubble to spring garlic. Works and techniques

This week we publish a post about one of our favorite crops: the spring garlic. Our follower Felipe Sevilla sent us some nice pictures and comments, ​who ​we met in the first edition of Demoagro where he was working with Same Deutz-Farm Group and we could test the new Agrotron TTV 7250 together with him... we recommend you to visit the next edition of Demoagro in May where you will be able to find all new technologies applied to agriculture and where you can test all machinery without any restriction. His pictures and descriptions were about the works performed to transform the previous year's cereal stubble into a great spring garlic field.

Felipe has his own farm in San Martín de la Vega (Madrid). As he commented and you can see in his pictures, this year he sowed spring garlic on an old wheat stubble. For this task, the first step is ploughing (he uses a Vogel&Noot plough of 3 furrows). After that, he uses an Agric (Agrator) RB100 rotary tillers so the seedbed is really ready to sow spring garlic. Fields are extraordinary in his area, which aren't very extensive... our area is absolutely different so we only use miniplough and chissel plough.  

The tractor used to plough is a Renault Ares 616 RZ (it has a John Deere engine of 115HP and a ​32x32 ​gearbox). It works at 7km/h at 1,750 r.p.m. when he is ploughing with his Vogel&Noot plough and when he uses the rotary tillers the tractor needs to work at 2.5km/h (using the slowest gear) and 2,100 r.p.m. (this tractor doesn't have the 540E configuration in its P.T.O.).

He plants spring garlic with a mechanical JJ Broch planter (it is like ours) that works really fine. After sowing, they have to step a few rows (you can see it in a picture where a John Deere tractor works behind JJ Broch planter) because they carry out flood irrigation system.

Versión en español

Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic
Sowing spring garlic

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