
22 September 2014

Safflowers... Alternative crop: harvesting tasks

During the first days of September, we spent some time with our friend Juan José in a near field of our village... he was harvesting safflowers (thistles). That was the first time we saw his Lexion 540 harvester working this crop. The stubble was really fine,  then, it allows to prepare the field with out too much work for the next sowing. The harvester works without problems (this crop is swift) although it generates a layer of prickles which is attached to the sieves and it is very difficult to clean it.

According to his opinion, this crop produces good results, getting an average of 1,000kg/ha and with an interesting price. Maybe, this could be a good option to be taken account for rotating crops, therefore it is easy to get healthy fields and to fulfil one of the PAC grant requirements.

Some of our followers have asked us in our YouTube account about the use of this crop. Apparently, this crop has a good calorific value and is a good material to generate biomass... Perhaps someone can offer us more information about this matter.

Versión en español.


Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles
Claas Lexion 540. Harvesting thistles


  1. victor FERROPRO25/9/14 16:01

    Un abrazos hermanos Tribaldos,
    Estaría interesado en saber el distribuidor para la zona de la semilla, y las cantidades recomendadas por hectárea, muchas gracias

    1. Hola Victor.

      El distribuidor de la zona es Agricolas Villarobledo ( Ellos te pueden suministrar la semilla y asesorar en lo que necesites. Para nosotros es un cultivo desconocido, por lo que no nos atrevemos a indicarte lo que tienes que hacer.

      Saludos y muchas gracias por tu comentario.
