
12 September 2014

High quality melons: picking up tasks

As you can remember, some months ago, our friend Antonio Miguel sent us some pictures about planting melons. This time, Antonio shows pictures about picking up that melons, … in fact, we find it are really interesting.

According his comments, one hectare can produce about 30,000kg after collecting each melon plant four times. This year, the price is appropriate (approximately 0.20€/kg) which indicates a good harvest. We like a lot the pictures of the fully loaded trailer. He indicates that they spend 2hours for loading 14,000kg which can be carried by the trailer.

In relation to watermelons, they are carried in boxes for avoiding any damages, since they are more fragile. The watermelon plants produce about 50,000kg/ha and they are picked up twice. The harvesting tasks are totally manual, besides taking care of handling the water melons is absolutely important in order not to hit them, break them…

As you can see in the last picture, the farm has its own brand called "Galanes" and you can send him an email if you would like to taste those gorgeous produtcs… thank you very much for these great pictures.

Versión en español.

Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons
Picking up melons and water melons


  1. Que fotos más buenas, menuda diferencia de producción con la mía que es para consumo propio y es más pequeña, de todas formas cogíamos 3 cazos de sandías y melones, muy buena la foto del M620 cargado de melones, me encanta, la verdad, ¿Los hay en Mercadona? Es que es lo que tengo más cerca porque hasta que tengo los míos compro alguno todos los años.

  2. Por cierto ya he hablado con vosotros, es que he puesto mi nombre ahora, he hablado con vosotros de Deutz en el tema de la Amazone UX.

    1. Hola José Antonio.

      Muchas gracias por seguir el blog y escribir tus comentarios.

      Ahora mismo no sabría decirte donde puedes conseguir estos Melones... le pregunto a nuestro amigo Molina y os cuento.

