
20 August 2014

​Harvesting opium ​poppy

We continue to speak about harvesting tasks.​ O​n this occassion about poppy or opium plant (Papaver somniferum). Next to where our friend Alfonso and Sergio were harvesting estero wheat with their Fendt 6300C combine, two New Holland combine (CX 780 and TX 63) were harvesting poppy. It was very interesting seeing how two combines worked in the same field simultaneously because it was like a fully synchronized dance. Sergio told us that using two combine together is mandatory to harvest this crop.

The cutting header used is a Moresil M29-14 like a corn cutting header... we had never seen anything similar before. As you can see in our video, the working was performed at breakneck speed so they harvested all opium fields in a few days (and you can imagine they are large fields)

This opium is used in pharmaceutical products mainly to make morphine and codeine this crop is supervised by the Police from sowing to harvesting, besides the farmer needs to have a lot of documentations and pass inspections to grow it since this crop is illegal for other uses. Nowadays, this crop is more and more coming into fashion in extensive farms with irrigation system mainly.

Versión en español.


New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium
New Holland CX 780 Combine. Poppy & Opium


  1. Anonymous20/8/14 12:12

    Buen reportaje y muy buenas fotos!!!

    1. Muchas gracias por seguir el blog.


  2. ¿Por qué se necesitan dos cosechadoras?

    1. Hola Francisco... muchas gracias por tu pregunta y por seguir el blog.

      Pues la parecer la normativa para este cultivo lo exige.


  3. De nuevo una entrada muy interesante. ¿Preguntaste o te dijeron porqué llevan ese cabezal las cosechadoras?¿Precio de venta más o menos?

    Seguid así, un saludo

    1. Hola Alberto.
      Muchas gracias por tu comentario y por seguir el blog.

      Es un cabezal especial para este cultivo que solo introduce en la cosechadora el bulbo de la adormidera y una pequeña parte de tallo que pega a ese bulbo. Eso se consigue combinando unos rulos extractores especiales de baja tracción con la hoz de corte y unas cadenas alimentadoras horizontales.

      Respecto al precio, no te sabría decir nada por ahora.


    2. Anonymous23/8/14 17:17

      A ese Moresil le faltan unos picadores, en el video de la JD se ve como va dejando mejor rastrojo con un cabezal estándar.


      Carlos Marín

  4. Hi Sam

    Thanks for your comment!! Great video!!
