
13 August 2014

​​Canned green peas

We continue to publish another post about unusual jobs for us. This time, our friend Antonio Miguel send us some pictures, again, about his tasks in his farm harvesting green peas. I would like to highlight these green peas are for food industry (canned food) so they aren't able for feed like all peas what are sowed in our area.

Two Ploeger EPD 538 pea harvesters came from Well and Zeewolde Town - Holland in order to harvest his green peas (the Comagra canning company located in Talavera de la Reina - Toledo is responsible to hire them... he only has to pay the diesel consumed by the two harvesters). The yield on this crop is high (about 11,000kg/ha) and the price can range from 0.15€/kg to 0.24€/kg depends on the cleaning and the harshness​ ​of this product. This job is normally quickly because each harvester can collect about 2ha per hour (but it is very relative because it can fluctuate with different fields, yields,...). This type of green peas are sowed in February and harvested on the last days of May.

You can see a use of peas in the kitchen. Here you have information about a fantastic soup. Our Jean friend just published a healing yellow split pea soup recipe complete with step-by-step pictures and detailed instructions.

Versión en español.


  1. No puedo imaginar la ingeniería de esa máquina para que no dañe a los guisantes mientras los procesa. Otra cuestión muy complicada es decidir el momento óptimo de recolección...

    ¡Un post muy interesante!

    1. Hola Alberto.

      Muchas gracias por tu comentario y por seguir el blog.

      Nosotros también nos sorprende ver estas fotos y estas máquinas. Verlas en vivo tiene que ser super interesante.


  2. Niels v.d Boom13/8/14 20:15

    Nice pictures! Nice to see the Dutch contractors at work in Spain. One small correction though. One of the pea viners, the one from Laarakker, is from the town Well. The other, from De Waard, comes from the town Zeewolde. Not Roosendaal, but the harvesters are build near there.

    1. Hi Niels v.d Boom.

      Thanks for your comment and your information. I changed the post.

      Best regards.
