
25 July 2014

While the seedbed for rice is been prepared

Anytime, we have talked about rice thanks to our friend Antonio Rincón, from Orellana la Vieja (Badajoz). This time we are publishing his photos which were taken in May and where we can appreciate how the field is prepared for sowing rice.

Our friend Antonio tells us that rice fields should be always covered with water when the seed is sowed (in our area it is impossible to find rice fields). Once rice is harvested (as you can see in this video) mixing tasks are performed in order to destroy the stubble (this video is very interesting), mix the mat and straw to allow them drying quickly. Then, when the field is dry, it is compulsory to give a chissel round, and also it is necessary having plain land in order to allow the water being shared uniformly previously to sow rice.

Finally, when the land is plain, rice is sowed with the spreader (with an average of 140kg/ha) as you can see in some pictures.


  1. Interesante cultivo. Está claro que es uno de los cultivos donde más interesante es la ayuda al guiado.
    Una cosa que no entiendo es como se siembra el arroz, en una foto aparece un pulverizador y así lo decís en inglés "rice is sowed with the spreader", como no me quedaba claro he mirado la traducción al castellano y ahí decís con "abonadora".
    si podéis me gustaría que lo aclararais con la ayuda de Antonio.
    Buena entrada como siempre.

    1. Helio. Gracias por tu comentario.

      Tal y como indicamos, el arroz es sembrado con la abonadora (spreader)... nos ha faltado publicar una foto de la abonadora, pero como te puedes imaginar es una abonadora centrífuga normal. El pulverizador (sprayer) lo están utilizando para matar algún tipo de malas hierbas.

