
18 June 2014

Forage (II): Claas Lexion to bale

​As we said in the last post about harvesting forage tasks, we continue speaking about this topic, although this time, working with an absolutely different harvester forage. The previous task goal was to chop the crop to silage, at this time the aim is to bale crop to store it. In order to do this, the transformation process of the hay is the lowest possible... this task is very common in our area. As we published the last year, our friend Juan José de la Fuente (expert driver of combines who has a great company about this type of harvesting jobs) works in these tasks during some months in Badajoz (Extremadura) and La Mancha.

In this occasion, he used his Claas Lexion 420 with a special hitch in its cutte​bar. As you can see in our pictures and video, this hitch avoids crop going into the combine and, therefore, the hay is left on the field immediately after its mowing. It is on the soil in the best conditions to bale it after some days when it will be dry. Juan José told us this system can be only used if there isn't too much vegetation because it can suffer clogging problems. On the other hand, when he uses his special cutte​ba​r for forage with his Claas Dominator 98 SL, he can work in any conditions without problems.

Versión en español.


Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420
Forage harvester. Claas Lexion 420


  1. Excellent! Great pictures of interesting equipment - the video brings it all to life! With this and the Dominator, Juan José is a Claas genius!

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Carlos Martí19/6/14 22:41


    La verdad es que es muy buen invento este de poner esos anclajes y dejar la entrada de la garganta por arriba.

    El problema que veo es que el hueco que queda es un poco pequeño y cuando haya mucha mies posiblemente se atasque la salida del equipo de corte. O con los dedos del sinfín le empuja a la mies y esto no pasaría??

    Espero vuestros comentarios.



    1. Hola Carlos.

      Muchas gracias por tu comentario.

      Efectivamente, este sistema funciona bien cuando hay poca vegetación. Para cuando hay mucha tiene otro sistema que puedes ver desde este enlace:
