
08 January 2014

Garlic: Precision airplanter

At last Christmas, we visited our friend Julián de la Fuente and his father... they were sowing garlic with their precision garlic airplanter. It was the first time we saw this machinery working because we have a J.J.Broch mechanical garlic planter. We are going to speak about that in the next post in order to allow you to compare features between pneumatic and mechanical garlic planters. Besides, you can see our different videos about that, we have to say it was a bit unpleasant because it generates an awful noise. They have to use noise-cancelling headphones to work during the whole day. We don't know if it worths working with this machinery in this environment conditions. 

It is a "La Preferida" precision airplanter (the manufacture is in Moltalbán de Córdoba) and it is really good made: the sowing units are independent,  the chassis is very robust, rear minichissels are independent too, hoppers are quite large,... we think it only has a important negative point: the noise. It has bigger accuracy than the mechanical garlic planter so it may work faster.

There are a lot of farmers are working with this garlic airplanter and they have a good opinion, but if we assess the positive and negative points, we are going to continue sowing with our mechanical garlic planter.



La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter
La Preferida garlic precision airplanter


  1. No sé si un Boeing 747 en plena operación de despegue hará más ruido, lo dudo.

    1. Helio, gracias por tu comentario.
      La verdad es que no te puedes ni imaginar el ruido que hace esa turbina.

  2. Anonymous9/1/14 07:21

    And what about the precission? Has really better distribution than your mechanical planter even with big cloves?

    1. Thanks for your comment!!

      We don't have contrasted information about that but we think if it uses a perforated disc and after that the clove of garlic is puted on an iron wheel like a waterwheel it can have better accuracy. We are going a new video the next week about mechanical will be able to compare between airplanter and mechanical planter.

      Best regards.

  3. Hola, me gustaría saber cuantas plantas se siembran por Ha. me imagino que esa maquina va a 50 cm entre surcos. Es un cultivo que lo desconozco.


    1. Hola Cesar. Gracias por tus comentarios y preguntas.

      Los surcos están a 48cm (algunos agricultores los siembran a 46cm) y lo ideal es tener unos 10 ajos por metro. Con esto, el número de plantas por ha. está entorno a 210.000.

