
21 January 2014

Estero wheat & two siamese seed drills

In the farm, where we have sowed our garlic this campaing, our friend Sergio Castillo ​works. ​After sowing our garlic, we spent a morning with him... it was very funny and we could see their machinary.

He was sowing R1 estero wheat. ​The w​hole production is going to be ​used as seed​ for ​the next year. The field, where he sowed this wheat, has a water system (they have ​this system on all fields of this farm), so they hope to have a yield of 8,000kg/ha. He used a dose of seed of 300kg/ha (we used 210kg/ha for our rainfed fields). We would like to take a video and pictures to publish a post when he is going to harvest it with their new Fendt combine.

We​ really​ liked ​their​ two siamese Solano-Horizonte seed drills (they are linked by a homemade gadget... the working width is of 7m (it is a way ​of having a cheap large seed drill). The problem of this gadget ​appears ​when they need to transport it, s​ince​ they have to put it on a trailer, but as they work in ​only one​ farm, they ​avoid traffic ​problems ​into the farm, so th​e​ problem ​doesn't exist. Also we liked so much ​the ​John Deere 7430 Premium... ​his engine ​sound is spectacular. Sergio told us they normally don't sow with this tractor (it is too large) because he spends too much time ​o​n headers, but he doesn't have ​an​other this year. On the other hand, the working speed was high (over 10km/h using B3 gear), ​then he could sow an important number of hectares using a sort time.



John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills
John Deere 7430 Premium & two twins Solano-Horizonte mechanical precision seed drills


  1. Anonymous22/1/14 08:48

    Hi friends,

    These tools are really enormous, aren't they?


    Hola Twins' Farm,

    Esta maquinaria parece ser inmensa, ¿es así?


    1. Hi.
      Thanks for your comment!!
      Yes, this seed drill is really large. I have other big seed drill but it only has 5m of working width.

      Best regards.
      ¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario!. Realmente es muy grande. Nosotros tenemos una grande, pero aún así solo tiene 5 metros de ancho de trabajo.


  2. Anonymous22/1/14 15:52

    Commercial solution from Finland: They also make a fixed 2x3000 machine without reversal mechanism for Russia.


    1. Hi Timo.
      Thanks for your comment!! The video is fantastic!!!

      Best regards.

    2. Anonymous22/1/14 19:22

      Nice machine, but the price??

  3. Hola, yo veo un inconveniente muy grande a ese prototipo de maquina, que es el desplazarla, como ya habéis comentado, pero otro que no habéis dicho es que esos marcadores tan largos estoy convencido que su vida útil va ha ser muy corta lo digo por experiencia propia, como este tierno el terreno que el disco del marcador se clava en la tierra se parte.
    La buena es la del enlace de Timo se tarda un poco en abrir pero tiene mucha autonomía.

    Un saludo.

    1. Cesar, muchas gracias por tu comentario!
      Respecto a los marcadores, la solución es meterles más hierro...verás como no se parten.

      Está claro que la que indica Timo es mucho mejor, pero tal vez cuando nos diga el precio ya no nos gusta tanto.

