At this moment, we are harrowing the stubble. This year, we have tested a new tool before performing the chissel plough task. In Albacete and its area, a destructive beam is used to leave wrecked the stubble. Regarding this task, some farmers told us that this step help them to perform a better job and it is much more easy to work with the chissel ploughs after that. This new tool is composed of three beams of 4meters width which are above the ground in order to crush the barley and wheat stems...
Our test was not at all satisfactory, because the effect on the ground was imperceptible, in that way the manufacturer concluded that he have to put more weight on the tool to improve its efficiency. In our village, the stubbles are really resistent, and much more in rainy campaigns, because of that reason this new tool could not be really appropriate for us. If some of you have tested it, pelase tell us your experiences... Thank you very much.