
24 July 2013

Our stubble cultivator is ready

During rainy months when we didn't have a lot of work, we painted our stubble chissel to harrow stubbles in summer. It is ready now waiting for the end of our garlic jobs when we will begin with the new cereal campaign. We think this tool is now like new one :)

It has 11 rows (we think, maybe it is small for our tractor) of 30x80mm, so we won't have any problem when we are going to harrow stubble with strong soil. Stubble has an extraordinary hardness in summer with high temperatures, especially once it has passed a few weeks since harvesting day and the weather has been really sunny.

We are going to carry out a comparative between Bellota and Casamayor tines, what were gifted by these two important companies for us. We are going to publish the results in next weeks as well, as soon as we will have data of the tasks performed and different behaviors of these tines used by our stubble cultivator.


  1. Ha quedado como nuevo, buen trabajo.

    1. Muchas gracias Kiko.

      La verdad es que han quedado muy bien.

  2. Anonymous25/7/13 18:01

    Good job!!
    The reault is clearly noticeable.

    Thank you for sharing your experiences,


    Buen trabajo!!
    El resultado salta a la vista.

    Gracias por compartir estos ratos y estos trabajos con nosotros,

    1. Hi EUCAMAR.

      Thanks a lot for your comment and thanks for following our blog.
