
22 July 2013

Garlic and heat... the usual in summer

Garlic jobs have started! In fact, in our area all farmers are working in harvesting and packing garlic since a few weeks ago. These tasks need heat and no rain, so the weather is excellent this campaign.

This time, we visited our neighbor Rafa, who was harvesting white garlic as you can see in our pictures. The harvesting task is very quick if you use a machine which works with two rows. After harvesting and binding garlic, they are put in heaps so that they can continue with its drying process and they aren't damaged by the sun and high temperatures of these days. Other farmers use garlic harvester and cutter machinery what cuts and puts garlic in boxes, as we told spring garlic in Chinchón some weeks ago.

Garlic harvesting
Garlic harvesting
Garlic harvesting
Garlic harvesting
Garlic harvesting
Garlic harvesting
Garlic harvesting
Garlic harvesting
Garlic harvesting
Garlic harvesting
Garlic harvesting
Garlic harvesting


  1. Anonymous23/7/13 11:47

    Hi friends,

    I know the Mancha Area around "Las Pedroñeras" and I can assure this pictures are the typical drawing of these days.

    Thanks for your explanation and photographs: Good Job!!

    ¿Qué tal todo?

    Personalmente conozco el área de la Mancha en la comarca de "Las Pedroñeras" y puedo asegurar que estas fotos son la viva estampa del campo estos días.

    Gracias por vuestra explicación y por las fotos.

    Muy buen trabajo!!


    1. Hi TRICAMA

      Thank for your comment!!

      The white and purple garlic from La Mancha is the best!

      Best regards.

      Hola TRICAMA.

      El ajo blanco y morado de La Mancha es el mejor!!

