
19 June 2013

Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time

In this post, we continue to speak about spring garlic harvesting. But at this time, with another machinery: a harvester-cutter. This machine has a cutting disk which cuts stem of garlic (its height is adjustable).  It falls over on the soil and the bulbs of the garlic are stored in boxes or sacks (they can be of different sizes). Thus, the harvested garlic in a day are picking up in stores and, e.g., we can prevent theft. As garlic are a little tender, we need to put them into a dryer room if we don't want garlic can rot.

These machinery aren't used frequently in our area, but their use is a good option because as they don't have tyer, they don't generate problems normally. There are machines of one row, two rows (we think they are the best), four rows and five rows (the last two aren't use due to its big complex: for example they have over 30 hydraulic engines).

The pictures were sent by our friend Miguel Ángel from Chinchón. Thank you very much again for your collaboration.

You can see two videos from here: video1, video2.

Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time
Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time
Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time
Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time
Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time
Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time
Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time
Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time
Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time
Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time
Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time
Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time
Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time
Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time
Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time
Spring garlic. Harvesting and cutting at the same time


  1. Anonymous19/6/13 23:32

    Hello friends,

    The weather seems to be of summer time.
    The machinery shown in the photographs is really acurate.

    This machine is new for me.
    Thanks, again.

    Hola amigos,

    EL tiempo en las fotos parece de época de verano.
    La maquinaria de las fotos parece ser muy precisa.
    No conocía este tipo de máquina.

    Gracias de nuevo,

    1. Thanks for your comment!!!.

      Summer is nice in Spain and this machinery is very specific for garlic harvesting.

      Best regards
      Muchas gracias por tu comentario.

      El verano en España es maravilloso y esta maquinaria es muy específica para la recolección del ajo


  2. Replies
    1. Muchas gracias por tu comentario Kiko.

      Tienes otro vídeo para ver más detalles de la máquina.


  3. Anonymous21/6/13 14:37

    Hello Again

    I have one question regarding the garlic planting.

    I admire the work that you do with the garlic, you have managed to minimize human work, but I cannot understand how you manage to plant the garlic in the right position with the right direction. My parents used to farm garlic, but the planting was done by hand in order to place the seed pointing upwards. Please let me know…..thanks

    Congratulations for the site


    1. Hi George.

      Don't worry for right direction of garlic when you plant them. It isn't important... e.g., you can test it with a few garlic.

      Best regards.
