
06 June 2013

Fields in spring

As we have said during this campaign, the weather is being very rainy in our area (it rained even yesterday which is not very common at this point of the year), so we hope that the harvest will be great. Several months ago, we had some problems with floods and we couldn't spray in a few places, however, in general, the result is positive. There was a hailstorm on the last days of May which damaged our crops, so we won't know the real impact in our harvesting.

We are publishing some pictures which were taken few days ago while we were walking through fields.

Versión en español.


  1. So nice fields! Hope you will have a great harvest!

  2. Anonymous7/6/13 09:38

    The spring is the best season!!

    The photos are getting better every day.
    I am impressed with this post, thank you very much.


    La primavera es la mejor estación
    ¡¡Y las fotos mejoran cada día!!

    Este post es impresionanate, muchas gracias.


    1. Hi MCC.

      Thanks for your comment!!!

      The spring is very nice in Spain.

      Best regards

      Hola MCC.

      La primavera es fantástica en España.


  3. Anonymous9/6/13 18:29

    Pues yo no me entero de que cultivos muestras, son lentejas o guisante, que tipo de guisante? Ganaria vuestras fotos si poneis el cultivo. Digo yo

  4. Muchas gracias por tu comentario.

    Pues tienes toda la razón, tenían que tener los nombres de los cultivos. Las fotos que ves primeras son Titarros y luego hay otras dos de los yeros.


  5. Anonymous10/6/13 08:45

    en la tercera y cuarta fotografía aparece cebada junto a triticale
    en la quinta imagen aparecen espigas de triticale. En las dos siguientes yeros. Después una foto con espigas de trigo y por ultimo cebada ajos y girasol
