
07 May 2013

Baling vine shoots for barbecue

As our friend and follower Kiko Cristóbal (author of Agrosdemeter blog) told us when we spoke about cleaning the vineyard after pruning in an old entry, he sent us a few pictures and a video about another way to clean the vineyard after pruning in Gumiel del Mercado (Burgos). As we said, some farmers choose to pick vine shoots up and burn them later, other farmers like crushing them and the rest of farmers make bales which are stored to be used later. These branches are normally used in barbecue, as you can see in last pictures or, e.g., they are sold to bakeries which have wood oven.

Regarding to balers used, it is a Massey Ferguson 135 SB (centre-line small rectangular baler), which doesn't have any different features with respect to a simple baler of cereal straw. Maybe, it can have more damages than usually, but they are fixed easily. About vineyard, the minimum width between rows must be of 2.5 m for tractor and baler can work without problems.

The operator, who is on the rear, puts the balers into the mini-trailer to fit on more... the balers are put on the headers to load them on trailer or truck quickly.

We have to say we haven't saw this job, so it is very interesting for us to see a video he published in his YouTube channel. Thanks you very much for your pictures, video and comments!!


  1. Ha quedado muy bien el reportaje.
    Un saludo y aquí me tienes para lo que haga falta.

    1. Muchas gracias por tus fotos y comentarios.


  2. Anonymous8/5/13 12:00

    Me ha gustado mucho el post, es muy enriquecedor saber como se trabaja en distintos lugares.

    las fotos son muy buenas, pero no recomendables de ver a ciertas horas de la mañana.

    Gracias a Agrosdemeter y a Twins' Farm,

    This is an interesting post. It is very rewarding and convenient to have different ways to do the same job

    Good photos but: I'm so hungry!


    1. Thanks a lot for your comment!!

      Best regards.

      Muchas gracias por tu comentario.

