
05 March 2013

Hard job: Picking up stones “manually”

This week one of our friends sent us a few pictures of his fields. Let us introduce our friend and follower Kiko Cristóbal (from Torresandino de Esgueva in Burgos) who besides is the owner of Agrosdemeter blog. Thank you very much for your comments and your interesting pictures. According to his comments, they pick up stones manually so they don't have problems with their combine when they are going to harvest. They perform this task after fertilizing (Nitrate 27%) as you can see in some pictures. In other times we did it too and it is a hard work.

For doing this task, they used a special bucket (made by Mirabueno) in his Tenías B4 front loader. We can see in the pictures that his fields have a lot of stones so, for next year and before sowing, we recommend that they will use a rock picker machine and in this way they won't have to complete it manually when barley is sowed.

If other followers would like to send us your pictures and comments about machinery or farming tasks that you think it could be interesting, your proposals will be welcome.


  1. buenas tardes, interesante su articulo. Me permito presentar nuestra empresa JYMPA, fabricante de maquinaria para la preparacion de suelo, entre ella la regodera de piedras, para todo tipo de piedras y todo tipo de tractores. les invitamos a ver nuestra pagina web, donde podran ver catalogos asi como videos demostrativos.


    Marta Pradas
    departamento comercial

    1. Hola Marta.

      Gracias por tu comentario. Si te fijas en nuestra página de enlaces interesantes, tenemos vuestro link.

      Si queréis ser uno de nuestro colaboradores como MX, Bellota o Agrotronik, también podéis serlo... seguro que es beneficioso para vuestra empresa.


  2. Anonymous15/5/13 19:02

    Lo que hace la gente por vender maquinas.....

    1. Muchas gracias por tu comentario... todos son bienvenidos!!

      En este caso, tengo que comentarte que de verdad no entiendo a que viene ese comentario. Solo recordarte que nosotros no vendemos ninguna maquinaria... somos agricultores.

