
01 January 2013

Broad beans to eat them with ham

During December and January we sow broad beans in our green garden. It is the first crop... tomatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers, etc. will be sowed when the good weather arrives.

This time we have used two varieties of broad beans: "much honey" and "super long". We think the main difference between them is the first one will have pods with approximately 6 broad beans and the other variety will have pods with about 12 broad beans.

For sowing we used our garlic minichissel plough. We made rows with them and after that, we sowed broad beans manually. As you can see in our pictures, we sowed them in groups of about 5 bread beans with a distance of 15 cm among them.

The harvesting will be ready in May. These broad beans are cooked with ham and they are a delicatessen... for our followers who have never tasted it, we invite them to eat it... it is sure you will like them.


  1. Anonymous2/1/13 00:28

    This is a really good post to begin the new year 2013.
    One doubt: the second variety is violet or that is the color of some chemicals...
    We have to taste it!!

    Muy buen post para comenzar el año.
    Una duda: la segunda variedad es de ese color o está tratada con algún producto químico...
    ¡¡Habrá que probarlas!!


    1. Thanks for your comment.

      You are right!. The second variety has some chemical product.
