
30 October 2012

Between firewood and Manchego lamb chops

A few days ago, we were with our father's cousin, Juan Ángel, to pick up  firewood on the mount in order to prepare barbecues this winter. These are days with a lot of jobs to be carried out because we have to harrow, fertilize and sow cereal, legumes and  finally garlic, but we can find some free time to spend a Sunday morning with him.

I have to affirm we were exhausted although our trailer finished full as well, despite of we found this task impossible when we stared to pick up the firewood. Thanks to Tenías B3 frontloader of John Deere 3135, what made our work easier, we could finish early to came back at home, because we were at 30km from our village, specifically, in the Honrubia village area.

After that, we could eat extraordinary Manchego lamb chops ....they were exquisite. We invite our followers abroad to taste them in La Mancha... I am sure you will like them.

23 October 2012

The end of our summer vegetable garden

During the last weekend we removed all of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and watermelons plants we had in our summer vegetable garden. We still have plants of pumpkin, which will be removed in the next days whenever pumpkin are more mature. In this last summer, we could water our vegetable garden thanks to our new jar, so we had a good crop although our father says we have to change the tomato variety for the next year because he doesn't like this one.

Besides, we began to prepare soil because we are going to sow green beans in November. Soil is perfectly fertilized with manure and we have to make use of it.

16 October 2012

Harrowing before fertilizing

After the first autumn rains and once weeds from previos stubble had grown, we harrowed to prepare fields we are going to fertilize them on the next days. These fields are going to be sowed of cereal in November. We use mineral fertilizer, but we will talk about that in few next post.

About the done job with chissel, we would like to say it is fantastic to have the possibility of harrowing with two tractors. Our Deutz-Fahr Agrotron M600 uses Gil cultichissel of 19 rows (5m working width) and the John Deere 5720 uses Quílez chissel of 11 rows (3m working width). With this equipment, we can work comfortable and we can encompass very soil in a day with a working speed in the Agrotron M600 of 7.5km/h and 6.7km/h in the John Deere 5720

Once we will have fertilized these fields, we have to harrow with chissel again to bury fertilizer. In this time, we are going to harrow perpendicularly to the sowing direction, so we don't want to suffer deviations of the seed drill which could cause no straight rows. About stubbles of the last campaign, when we will have finished this last harrowing work, they will be absolutely ground and we will have a perfect seedbed.

 Versión en español.