
04 September 2012

International Presentation of Deutz-Fahr Agrotron new 6 series and 7 series

The international  presentation of new Agrotron 6 series and 7 series of the famous German brand, called Deutz-Fahr, was performed in Berlin on the 26th and 27th August. Thanks to our friend Juan Francisco Pérez Collado, who sent us his pictures and a lot of information about this event, we can write a new post we think it could be interesting for everyone of our readers.

Firstly, the event had a welcome cocktail and after that, there was a gala dinner in the Estrel Hotel, where Vittorio Carozza, Chairman and President of Same Deutz-Fahr Group, gave a welcome speech for every customers who were there.

On the second day, the customers went to test field near of Berlin, where they could know every technical features in the presentation of each new Agrotron and they could test them with whole spectrum of tractors, combines and complementary agricultural machinery of Deutz-Fahr. Every tractors worked with Kverneland tools, so attendees could fun with tools of premium quality in all tests (several tools were very big, so I think we will be dificult to see them in Spain unfortunately).

Finally and anecdotally, there was a contest of ploughing with ropes. Three longest ropes were tied three furrow Kverneland plough and a team of 50 people with same nationality had to move it 80 metres in the shortest possible time. Only Poland team could win Spanish team.

You can see two videos from here: video1 and video2.


  1. Si señor, me gusta mucho el reportaje. Gracias por las fotos.
    Un saludo.

  2. Gracias a ti por tu comentario y por seguirnos. Ahora tenemos que esperar para verlos por España y poder probar uno.

    Creo que Deutz-Fahr está preparando un Tour por España para mostrarselos a todos los clientes. Si tengo alguna noticia más, os lo comentaré.

    1. Deutz-Fahr5/9/12 19:24

      Deutz-Fahr esta vez abrirá las puertas del centro SAME DEUTZ-FAHR de formación de Toledo a todos los agricultores interesados en probarlos a partir del 24 de Sep. allí 4 tractores de las nuevas series estarán con aperos a vuestra disposición. Los que querais probarlos contactar con vuestra concesión Deutz-Fahr más cercana o con nuestra atención al cliente. Os esperamos a todos
