
21 August 2012

The last step: sold barley and loading trucks

As the title says, it is the last step we have to carry out with our crop. Once we finished to harvest cereals and legumes, we only had to sell our products. The price is good this year (about 220€/ton of barley, for example), but it can change weekly. A few farmers store their crops in their sheds because they are waiting better prices. They normally get better price than selling cereals directly when they harvested them.

In our area, we have several companies like Agricola Villarobledo or Legumbres Caballero which buys cereals and legumes. All of them offer the same price (it is regulated by agricultural market of Albacete), so these two companies are the better two good options to sell them cereals or legumes.

We went to visit our friend Aquilino when he loaded a few trucks. We would like to highlight high speed Fendt Farmer 411 can move its frontloader. Also, he uses a Tenías high-tip bucket of 2.4m width and 1,678 litres full capacity which performs very easy his job and he can fill a truck in a few minutes.

You can see a video from our YouTube channel.

Versión en Español


  1. ¡Vaya cantidad de cereal, simplemente impresionante!
    Esperemos que siga con el mismo precio y de ahí para arriba... suerte

  2. Anonymous22/8/12 01:32

    enhorabuena por el blog, las fotos muy chulas y en cantidad
    ¿pero porque no lo editais en español?
    los traducctores son un rollo

  3. Hola. La idea de editarlo en inglés es desde un principio, con el objetivo de llegar a más agricultores. Intentaremos poner un link con el texto en español en las próximas publicaciones para que no tengais que usar el traductor

    Muchas gracias por seguirnos y muchas gracias por tus comentarios.

  4. Hello! Great photos and 'Hello' from England.

  5. Hi Malc from Spain.

    Thank you very much for your comments!!

    Welcome to my blog.

    If you have some questions, comments,... you can write them here.

    Best regards.
