
30 June 2011

Harrowing sunflowers

When we are amid cereals harvesting and before beginning with purple garlic harvesting, we have to harrow our sunflowers previously the summer rain arrives. They need to be harrowed because the soil must be loosed and the rows have to be well-defined. These rows are going to be in charge of keeping wather of the little summer rain.

As you can see in our pictures, we use minicultivators because we don't need a longer working deep. However, we need a high precision. So, we use three minicultivators in each row: the two lateral minicultivators remove weeds which can be beside sunflowers and the third and central minicultivator is which works to create a new row; therefore, this minicultivator has a bigger tool.

You can watch a video from here: Video

You can see our pictures from Picasa too.

21 June 2011

More barley harvesting

As we said in the last post, we continue with barley harvesting. After barley, the legumes harvesting arrives and then, we are going to finish with the wheat. This time, we have harvested regalia barley and we have got a very good result, which is the general trend in this year.

We used a Claas Lexion 420. It is older than the previous one but it still has good performance. It has a working width of 5.4m, and despite of barley was very high, Claas Lexion 420 had no problems with a working speed of 4km/h.

You can watch a video from here: Video

17 June 2011

With barley, harvesting begins

We have begun the barley harvesting for this year. I would like to say the harvesting is being optimum because the quality and quantity are unsurpassable. During the next days we are going to continue with the harvesting barley and afther that, we are going to harvest wheat. The legumes also can be harvested although we don't hope to have a good crop of legumes. We had problems with frost and heavy rains.

I think harvesting works can be a bit stressful because we have got our biggest field very far from we have to unload our trailers (about 13km), so the Claas Lexion 540 doesn't allow us to have a break.

We have our cousin's help with his Valtra T151 and his La Piña trailer. Thanks a lot, John Angel.

You can watch a few videos from here: Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5